Dream: All types of guys

To be more specific, all sorts of sleazy guys.

I know what influenced my dreams this time. The previous night I had gone to Red River to celebrate one of my sister’s birthday. She enjoys dancing, so some of her friends were there, as well as, me and our older sister. I know the birthday girl had a good night, but it wasn’t as great for me.

The first few guys I danced with either gave off creepy vibes or they weren’t very nice teachers (for showing me the steps). I also talked with the other girls before bed and heard about some of their dance partners. Some guys were polite and just dance to have a good time, while other guys have ulterior motives. Those guys hit on you hardcore or glue their bodies to yours while dancing (like that’s NOT NECESSARY). It wasn’t all bad, towards the end there I had one excellent dance partner.


I remember there being three different guys that wanted my attention and not in the innocent type of way.

Dude #1, let’s call him Brad. We were in a hallway and there were people passing by, so it wasn’t completely a private area. Brad was good looking. He was tall, tan, and had a beard. It wasn’t a Gandalf type of beard and it wasn’t a teenage boy’s efforts to grow facial hair, it was the right in between.
Yes, he was nice to look at, but just with that factor doesn’t make him a good guy. It’s like how you hear the saying, “don’t judge a book by its cover.” It would be nice to assume all guys will treat women respectfully and be a decent dude, but that’s not how the world works (keep your standards high girls!).

He held me in his arms and was looking down at me intensely. I thought it was a cute moment, but he ruined the moment by saying, “Hey, baby, why don’t you hop on and I’ll take you for the ride of your life.”
Well, that quickly brought me out of hunk dreamland. I yanked myself out of his embrace and said, “Are you kidding me?! We’re in public besides, don’t talk to me like that, I don’t know you THAT well.”

He wasn’t offended, but he kind of chuckled and said gruffly as he reached towards me again, “Come on, no one is paying attention to this alleyway.”
Wow, that sounded rape-y.
I was so done with this whole situation. I smiled in a quick way and said, “No thanks.” I walked away in a bit of a huff, why couldn’t this have been a decent one? Mental note: don’t hang out with guys in alleyways they equal trouble.

Behind me, I hear him call out in a lazy voice, “You know where to find me if you want some sweet loving.”
Really? The nerve of this guy. I kept striding forward and towards the throng of people that were purposefully going places and sent a wave behind me.


I don’t actually remember what happened with the other guys, but just before I woke up, I think I had a very strange dream within a dream.

Here I am snuggled up on my sisters’ couch, blankets tucked up under my chin and the first time I was laying down on my back. I was aware of how I was sleeping because then I felt a presence come to stand over me, so I turned over my body to my right so that my body would face the couch pillows. It’s like in my dream state I thought one of the guys were trying to do something to me while I was sleeping. The same feeling of being watched happened again and I moved my sleeping position again.

(P.S. it was a really creepy feeling)

Then the third time, I was definitely dreaming because my sister’s apartment wasn’t really her apartment. The third guy walked through the hallway (a hallway that doesn’t really exist) and came to sit by my feet at the end of the couch. I was shocked that he was here. I sat up quickly and looked at him bewildered! What on God’s green planet was he doing here?!

I whispered, “What do you think you’re doing? You’re going to get us in trouble?” He looked at me with a smile, his baby blues twinkled with mischief, and he whispered back, “I couldn’t help myself, I had to see you.”

He had woken me up, so I must have looked rough! Drool probably on the side of my face, my hair a bird’s nest and this boy says he wants to see me? Well, maybe his mind will have changed after seeing me.

He continues to study me in the dim lighting… with… a look of adoration in his eyes? Boyyyy, HOW? I sit up further and cross my legs while pulling the covers over me. He may be here at an indecent hour, but that doesn’t mean I have to act indecent. My last two brain cells that are still operating yell at me, ‘He BEST not be expecting anything from us!’

I sigh, “What’s that look for? I am a mess and I can barely function right now.” He surprises me further by bringing his hand up to caress the side of my face lightly. I think he might be about to kiss me, but then he moves his hand to my head to mess up my locks even more. What was I thinking?! I start blushing furiously, hoping that he won’t be able to notice.

“Darlin’, I couldn’t stop thinking about you and no matter how you look, you can’t get rid of me so easily.” He gives me this lopsided smile that makes my heart flutter in response. I ducked my head away from his hand even though those two brain cells who previously were giving him a hard time, changed their tune to protest and suddenly agree with my heart.

Just as I was warring with myself on what I should do, he makes up my mind for me. He takes my right hand and says in a low voice, “Okay, I’ve locked away this moment and time with you in my mind. Sweet dreams.” Before I could say anything, he brought up my hand to his lips and brushed a soft kiss to them. With one last look, he left as suddenly as he came.



P.P.S: Tricked you there at the end, one decent guy out of the three. 😉

I could go on a whole rant about why can’t guys be more… polite when meeting a girl that they ask to dance? It’s just a dance, just because I said yes, doesn’t mean anything else is going on here. This may be just me who feels like this, but GUYS please talk to a girl in person like you want to get to know her before trying to get her number. Make a connection first.

Also, may just be me here, but don’t ruin a good dance by making moves. You’ve just met, read her body language, listen to the things she doesn’t say. If you want to kiss her, ask.

What’s your thought?

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